A Natural Path to Healing: Chiropractic Disc Decompression for Disc Bulge and a Misaligned Spine
In between each of the vertebra in your spine lie cushions that act as shock absorbers called discs. The discs make sure that your vertebrae do not rub against each other as you move around. These essential parts of your spine can become out of place, inflamed, degenerated, or otherwise not function properly due to a misaligned spine. When the hard outer coating of a disc weakens, the resulting protrusion is a “disc bulge,” also called a bulging disc.
What Causes a Disc Bulge?
Disc bulge is a painful back problem that is usually due injury from repetitive actions, age, or accidents. This can include sports injuries, long-term poor posture, or jobs involving heavy manual labor. Poor spine alignment can contribute to or make worse any existing disc bulge. Bulging discs are common as you get older and the disc structure begins to thin, potentially leading to Degenerative Disc Disease. Tobacco use can also increase your risk of developing a disc bulge.
Symptoms of a Disc Bulge or Bulging Disc
Bulging discs can be very painful due to the disc’s protrusion putting pressure on the nerves running through your spine. Symptoms may vary depending on which disc is bulging, but commonly include the following:
For the single low price of $69 per month (with additional discounts for those paying annually), you can visit as often as needed. There are no premiums for your special condition, and with no appointments your scoliosis treatment timing is completely up to you. Just show up when you need us. You can find all the details on the benefits of a membership at The Chirospot on our membership page.
A disc bulge is usually diagnosed through an x-ray or MRI. With a diagnosis, you can choose a course of treatment. Many people, wanting to avoid drugs or injections, opt for the disc decompression and spine alignment techniques offered by advanced chiropractic care like you’ll find at The Chirospot. Our therapies to decompress the spine and promote healing can put you on a path to better overall health.
The Chirospot Offers Disc Bulge Pain Relief Through Chiropractic Spine Alignment
In general, chiropractic care works with your body to promote its own healing. This is done primarily through a series of manual adjustments to correct a misaligned spine and joints. To correct disc bugle, the experienced chiropractors at The Chirospot will employ spine alignment techniques and other therapies to help with disc decompression and encourage natural healing.
One such therapy is to decompress the spine. Disc decompression works by gently stretching the spine to relieve pressure. This may occur on a special inversion table or through traditional spine alignment techniques. As you decompress the spine, it eases stress on the nerves and helps promote proper flow of oxygen and nutrients through the spinal cord. This allows your body to heal on its own.
At The Chirospot, we will work with you and the other members of your health care team to diagnose and correct disc bulge. If you are looking to avoid drugs, shots, or even surgery to correct your condition, we are ready to help. Disc decompression, misaligned spine corrections, and other therapies to decompress the spine are available to reduce pressure, pain and inflammation. This encourages your body’s natural healing to get you back to a normal life without invasive medical treatments.
Your Healing Journey at The Chirospot
As you may imagine, correcting a disc bulge takes time. By allowing the components of your back and joints to decompress, spine alignment therapy at The Chirospot works gently and trains your body into holding the correct bone and joint position for longer. This disc decompression means less pain and more freedom for you.
At The Chirospot, we are dedicated to helping patients achieve this better life in an easy, comfortable atmosphere at an affordable price. That’s why we work on a membership basis, like a health club for your spine. For one low monthly rate, all of your treatment visits are covered. We also work on your timetable; there are no appointments at The Chirospot. This means no rush, hassle, or “running late” for your visits. You are always right on time.
Getting Started with Spine Alignment at The Chirospot
Whether you’re suffering from a disc bulge, sciatica, hip pain, headaches, or other issues related to a misaligned spine, a membership at The Chirospot can help you get back on track. We combine hospitality with healthcare, so you can enjoy our best-in-class care in an environment of peace and calm. Routine spine alignment from The Chirospot can improve your overall physical health, so don’t wait another day to take action. Stop by our Castle Rock location today and speak with the chiropractic concierge about all the benefits of membership.
The Chirospot
834 South Perry Street, Unit G
Castle Rock, CO 80104
(303) 892-1500
[email protected]
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