
Chiropractic Care: Manual Chiropractic Adjustments for Whiplash

Any time you experience a forceful forward and backward movement of your head, you can be at risk for whiplash. Whiplash is a general term for the damage caused during this type of traumatic movement in which the soft tissues and ligaments in your neck are temporarily extended beyond their normal range. While frequently associated with car accidents, the need for whiplash treatment can arise due to a variety of physical events including falls, physical abuse, horseback riding, cycling and other sports accidents, or whenever someone takes a blow to the head.

In a situation where there is a risk of whiplash, concussion treatment may also be needed. A concussion is a brain injury that if left untreated can cause permanent neurological damage. While it is an urgent need to address whiplash, concussion treatment should be sought immediately if a head injury has occurred.

Once the risk of a concussion has been assessed and handled with emergency care, it’s time to think about manual chiropractic adjustments for whiplash. Whether you’re looking for how to heal whiplash naturally or are open to a combination of medication and whiplash manual therapy, The Chirospot is there for you.


How Do You Know If You Need Whiplash Manual Therapy? Can Chiropractic Help?

Whiplash can manifest in a variety of ways. It can also take a few days for physical issues to arise after the traumatic event. If you experience any of these symptoms, you may need to seek whiplash treatment.

  • Pain or stiffness in the neck that goes away and then returns
  • Neck pain or neck stiffness
  • Pain, numbness, or tingling in your shoulders, arms or legs
  • Issues with your bladder or bowels
  • Localized weakness in an arm or leg
  • Headaches, specifically at the base of the skull
  • Dizziness
  • Blurred vision
  • Constant weariness
  • Problems with concentration and memory
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Insomnia or irritability
  • Chronic pain in the neck, shoulders, or head

Some of these symptoms are also associated with a concussion. If you’ve been in an accident where you’ve ended up with whiplash, concussion treatment, if needed, should always come first. Once that immediate concern has been treated, an experienced chiropractor like those at The Chirospot can help with whiplash manual chiropractic adjustments, especially for those interested in how to heal whiplash naturally.

A disc bulge is usually diagnosed through an x-ray or MRI. With a diagnosis, you can choose a course of treatment. Many people, wanting to avoid drugs or injections, opt for the disc decompression and spine alignment techniques offered by advanced chiropractic care like you’ll find at The Chirospot. Our therapies to decompress the spine and promote healing can put you on a path to better overall health.

What Does Whiplash Treatment at The Chirospot Involve? Is Chiropractic Care How to Heal Whiplash Naturally?

Your chiropractic professional at The Chirospot can provide the ongoing therapy for whiplash that helps this type of injury heal. By using very specific spinal manipulation, our chiropractors can realign the cervical vertebrae impacted by whiplash. This whiplash treatment relieves pressure and reduces inflammation, allowing the body to heal on its own. It is non-invasive, drug-free, and works in harmony with your body.


How to Get Started with Manual Chiropractic Adjustments for Whiplash at The Chirospot

The Chirospot is a membership-based luxury chiropractic center. By combining hospitality and healthcare, we offer a premium experience to our patients as we help them on their healing journey. A single, low monthly fee, covers all the whiplash therapy sessions you’ll need for the whole month, and your first visit is always free. Visit one of our Denver area offices today and start enjoying the benefits of membership at The Chirospot.

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Healing Through
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The Chirospot

834 South Perry Street, Unit G
Castle Rock, CO 80104
(303) 892-1500
[email protected]

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